Addressing isolation and loneliness
We support projects that encourage social interaction and help people feel more connected to their community.
Our community green spaces enable people who feel isolated due to physical or mental health conditions to take part in regular activities. Many of our community grants address social isolation among older people in Elmbridge.
In 2021/22
41 people took part in our Community Allotment and Woodlands projects. 47% of participants said their physical and mental health had improved.
6 community grants and delegated funds helped local organisations who are tackling loneliness and isolation, funding projects including respite breaks for older carers, support for new refugees and a weekly community café.
“I like being around other people and learning about new plants. I like being outdoors and not stuck inside getting bored. There are also plenty of vegetables at the end of it! There’s nothing here I don’t like. It’s amazing. I just love it.”