Elmbridge is the 9th most unequal borough in England with worrying levels of child poverty. Below is a summary of available data on poverty, work, welfare and housing in our local area. Read what we’re doing to help in our publications.
Population and household estimates, Census 2021. Source: ONS, June 2022.
Children and families
Local child poverty indicators 2020/21, estimates of rates after housing costs. Source: End Child Poverty, June 2023.
Before housing costs, 6.5% of local children were living in poverty in 2021, source DWP.
Source: NEF analysis of DWPs Children in Low Income Households dataset, Under the Radar report 2022.
Levels of child poverty have grown at a faster rate in areas that already had more child poverty. Source: NEF analysis of DWP Children in Low Income Households dataset. Under the Radar report, 2022.
Pupil Premium: allocations by school for 2024/25. Source: Gov.uk
Pupil Premium: allocations by school for 2023/24. Source: Gov.uk, Sept 2023
Pupil Premium: allocations by school for 2023/24. Source: Gov.uk, Sept 2023
Key workers by Local Authority to Dec 2019. Source: ONS, May 2020
People on Universal Credit in Elmbridge (time series). Source: DWP on Stat-Xplore, Sept 2022
Estimates of % of employee jobs with hourly pay below the living wage, by Local Authority. Source: ONS, October 2022
Labour market profile: Elmbridge. Source: Nomis, August 2024
Source: Walton Charity Local Area Survey, Feb 2023
Source: Walton Charity Local Area Survey, Feb 2023
Private rent in Elmbridge compared to England as a whole. Median monthly rental prices for all bedrooms. Source: ONS. Sept 2022
Average monthly rent for a 2 bed house is 41% higher in Elmbridge than the national average. Source: Valuation Office Agency’s private rental market statistics
Average house price for all property types. Source UK House Price Index, January 2023.
Average house prices in Elmbridge are 14 times the average earnings. Source: ONS’s house price to residence-based earnings ratio
Cost of living
Source: Walton Charity Local Area Survey, Feb 2023
Source: Walton Charity Local Area Survey, Feb 2023
Source: Walton Charity Local Area Survey, Feb 2023
Total number of adults and children fed by Walton and Hersham foodbank per year.
Life expectancy is 5.4 years lower for men and 3.3 years lower for women in the most deprived areas of Elmbridge than in the least deprived areas. Source: Local Authority Health Profile 2019, Public Health England
The gap in academic progress (in months) between disadvantaged pupils and non-disadvantaged pupils across Esher & Walton parliamentary constituency in 2020.
Source: Education Policy Institute
We aim to include the most up-to-date data on this page but if you know of a more recent release, or you have any questions about the data, please email communications@waltoncharity.org.uk