Applicant's name
First Name
Last Name
Contact telephone number
Address 1
Address 2
17-24 years
25-34 years
35-44 years
45-54 years
55-64 years
65-74 years
75+ years
Age not specified
0-4 years
5-11 years
12-16 years
Age not specified
Source of income in the household
Earning, no benefits (includes pension income)
Earning and benefits (includes child benefits)
Benefits, no earning
Income but no or insufficient access to it (eg, no access to a bank account)
No income
Decline to answer
Financial - earnings related
Change in work hours
Unemployment following permanent work
Unemployment following temporary work
Delay in or awaiting other income
Financial - benefits related
Benefits delay
Benefit deduction due to overpayment or benefits advance
Benefit reduction due to change in eligibility
Benefit reduction due to sanction
Awaiting first benefit payment for less than a month
Awaiting first benefit payment for more than a month
Financial - debt, costs and expenses
Priority debt eg, rent or mortgage, gas or electricity bills, court fines
Non-priority debt eg, credit cards, unsecured loans from friends and family
Cost of dependents has increased eg, increased costs due to summer holidays
Rising cost of essentials
Other unexpected expense
Personal circumstances
Insecurely housed
No access to financial support due to immigration status
Loss of support from friends or family
Change in relationship status
Domestic abuse
Change in dependents
What do you hope to get from your visits?
I have read and agree with the following statement
Walton & Hersham Foodbank and Walton Charity use your personal information to help understand your needs and provide you with emergency food. Access to your information is restricted and can only be seen by the agencies who refer you and by Walton & Hersham Foodbank, Walton Charity and authorised people in the Trussell Trust foodbank network who have a legitimate interest and will use the data for statistical and research purposes, showing how food banks are being used and why they are needed
To find out more about your rights or about how the Trussell Trust keeps your information safe, see the Trussell Trust privacy statement
For more about Walton Charity's privacy statement and sharing protocol see